Project Overview

Within 24hrs following the deadly mudslide on August 14, TVL was working with a small group of nonprofits, spanning across 3 continents, to organize relief efforts. The group consisted of Families Without Borders, The Waterbearers, Schools for Salone and local Sierra Leone based nonprofit, Young People In Action for Development (YOPAD). Through the power of WhatsApp, we were able to raise funds, build a plan, lock down logistics and volunteers in country in just 72 hours.


OUR goal

Help prevent a cholera outbreak through delivery of Wave to Water, water filters. Each filter can provide clean drinking water for 100 people for up to 5 years.


the plan

Deliver 100 filters installed in large buckets to relief camps housing the mudslide victims.



How we did it

  • TVL lead logistics planning, provided food and lodging for volunteers and raised $2,000 to cover transportation and 50 water buckets;
  • The Waterbearers contributed 100 filters shipped in from Liberia; 
  • Families Without Borders provided student volunteers to help with the distribution of buckets/filters in the initial 2 days;
  • YOPAD provided additional volunteers, sourced buckets, and has been TVL's key partner on ground for on going relief support after the initial delivery;
  • Schools For Salone contributed an additional $10,000 in supplies for victims and provided a vehicle for transportation.